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Thursday 8 September 2016

Welcome to a new academic year

This half term’s topic in Year 4/5/6 is Heroes and Villains. This project has a history focus and teaches children about heroes and villains from different periods of history, their motives, their beliefs and the ways in which they changed the world. At the heart of this project children write persuasively in the form of reports and letters, and additional skills in writing biographies and speeches.


In the Innovate Stage children apply their skills and understanding by championing a Welsh hero to find out who is the most popular.


In this project the children will learn:


  • How to research using a range of historical source materials including ICT and the media; 

  • The chronological order of a range of significant people throughout history and about the times in which they lived and how this influenced them; 

  • About a range of influential historical figures and about their beliefs and actions; 

  • About contemporary heroes and villains; 

  • How to write in a range of forms to persuade people; 

  • Why laws and social change comes about from the impact of heroes and villains; 

  • How to perform an influential speech
    Our Literacy focus this half term will be the epic poem ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. In this poem the children will have a focus on letter writing, features of poetry and journalistic writing.
    In numeracy we will be immersing ourselves into Singapore mathematics, beginning with a focus on number.
    Our science topic this half term is electrical circuits.
    PE days will be on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Wednesday’s PE will be striking and hitting and will, weather permitting, be outside so will therefore require trainers, tracksuit bottoms and t-shirts. Friday’s PE will be gymnastics and will take place in the hall therefore pupils will need to wear shorts/tracksuit bottoms and t-shirts. Please can you ensure that all pupils clothes are named to avoid the confusion of lost items of clothing.
    Pupils will be given weekly online homework via studyladder. They will also have access to sumdog (an online mathematics challenge website) and languagenut (an online modern foreign language website),

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